All Black Belt instructors have nationally recognized Dan Ranks and are qualified to teach all levels of Karate across Canada.


          Our founder, Mr. Masami Tsuruoka, with over 50 years of Karate experience, first introduced Karate to Canada in 1957.  He held the rank of 10th Degree Black Belt before his passing in 2014, and is one of the very few people who have ever held that level.  Mr. Tsuruoka is well known and respected in Karate circles around the world.  10th Dan is the highest belt ranking there is in existence, being reserved for those persons who have made an exceptional contribution to karate.

          Our club is the oldest established traditional Karate club in Kelowna as well as being one of the original clubs in British Columbia.  It was founded in 1971 by Mr. Warren Maurer.  We have been part of the Parkinson Recreation Centre since its opening in 1971.  We are also members of the National Karate Association, the sport governing body for Karate in which Mr. Tsuruoka was a Technical Advisor and past president.



Karate is a Martial Art which utilizes explosive punches and kicks and utilizes the whole body as a weapon.

Students will be instructed in the basic stances, punches, blocks and kicks of TSURUOKA Karate.  The first forms (Kata), which are a requirement for the first belt level grading, will also be taught. 

Loose comfortable clothing (eg. sweat pants and T-shirt) is advisable.   Karate uniforms (GI) are optional and are available through the club.  Ask your instructor for details.

NOTE:  (Addition for beginners)

It is recommended that you register for both nights to ensure that you progress as quickly as possible.


One of the most important principles of martial arts to remember is mutual benefit.  By this, it is meant that all members are to help each other.  So, don’t be reserved in asking for assistance or advice no matter how trivial you may think your question sounds.

          In training, don’t expect good results in a short time.  Karate training may extend over one’s entire life so there is no need for haste.  In the study of any subject, little is to be gained from haphazard training, and thus, particularly in a martial art such as Karate, steady, unremitting training is required.

          Many people train furiously in Karate initially, but lose their enthusiasm even before the end of the first year.  Clearly, very little good can be gained from such sporadic training. Similarly, heavy training before the body is properly conditioned can result in injury to the body.  For this reason, train systematically, without becoming impatient or overexerting yourself, and develop gradually, advancing steadily, one step at a time.


1.       Aggressive behaviour inside or outside the DOJO will not be tolerated.

2.       No one will be allowed to leave the DOJO once training has commenced.

3.       If you are late for class, sit quietly in the back of the DOJO in Seiza position until invited to join the class by the instructor.

4.       Wearing jewelry (watches, rings, etc.) is not permitted.

5.       Observe good personal hygiene and keep your GI clean.

6.       Keep your fingernails and toenails trimmed short.

7.       Swearing or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, and you will be asked to leave the class.




The following is the sequence of commands that you will expect to follow at the opening and closing of a class session:

SHUGO                         COME TOGETHER (ie. line up facing the KAMIZA in order of rank, with the senior student being to your left)

KIO-TSUKE                  COME TO ATTENTION (feet together and hands by your sides)

SEIZA                            KNEEL INTO ZAREI POSITION

MOKUSO                      MEDITATE (to clear the mind)

YAME                           STOP MEDITATION

SHOMEN-NI, REI         BOW TOWARDS THE KAMIZA (to the front)


(GEIDANSHIN-NI, REI)         (also bow to any other Black Belts)


The ultimate aim in the art of Karate, lies not in victory nor defeat,

but in the perfection of the character of its participants.


Examples of such usage are as follows:

1        When first entering or leaving the DOJO in conjunction with a standing bow (RITSU-REI) made in the direction of the “KAMIZA” (see below).

2.       At the beginning and end of class under the direction of the instructor in conjunction with a kneeling bow (ZAREI).

3.       When answering a question directed to you in the affirmative.

4.       In a class session, in response to a direction given by the instructor, which indicates that the class has understood that direction.


A prominent physical feature of the DOJO is the KAMIZA (upper seat) which is easily recognizable by the traditional pictures of the founders and an appropriate framed calligraphy (GAKU) of philosophical connotation.  It is the focal point to which ZAREI (kneeling bow) is directed at the beginning and end of each class.


A literal translation of this term means teacher.  However, it is a term that is usually reserved for the chief instructor of the DOJO who holds DAN ranking or visiting instructors from other schools holding the rank of 4th DAN or higher.


Any senior student by rank or position.


ZAREI (kneeling bow) is performed in the direction of the KAMIZA and the instructor at the beginning and end of each class session.

RITSU-REI (standing bow) is performed when entering and leaving the DOJO, before and after practice with a partner and when first greeting the DOJO SENSEI.

It must be pointed out here that there is absolutely no religious significance or subservience involved in the custom and is merely a matter of mutual respect of each other and of the martial arts.

DAN and KYU:

DAN, meaning step, and KYU meaning class, are terms relating to achievement levels reached by students of the martial arts.   Each level is indicated by the colour of the student’s belt and is listed here in order of ascending expertise:

6th KYU (beginner) …   White Belt

5th KYU ……………… Yellow

4th KYU ……………… Orange

3rd  KYU ……..………..Green

2nd  KYU ………………Blue

1st  KYU …….…………Brown

1st DAN to 5th DAN ……Black Belt

6th DAN to 8th DAN…Black or Red & White

9th DAN to 10th DAN….Black or Red

NOTE:        10th DAN is rare, traditionally almost always exclusively reserved for the founding master of each particular style


BUDO …………….Martial Way or Path; a fighting discipline whose aim is to promote the spiritual development of its practitioners
DO…………………….Literally means the way or path.  The DO is the way for the perfection of human character as in KARATE-DO
DOJO ……………Training hall or room
GI ……………………Training uniform (KARATE-GI)
HAJIME ……………Begin or Start
KARATE ……………The Okinawan “Art of the Empty Hand”.  Introduced to Japan in 1922
KARATE-DO………..“The Way of the Empty Hand”.  The modern name for the Okinawan art
KARATE-KA…………Literally means KARATE practitioner
KATA…………………Prearranged forms in which the student demonstrates and practices basic technique by fighting imaginary opponents
KIAI………………….A sharp sound made at the instant of focus to help tense the body and focus the mind for more effective KIME (see below)
KIME…………………Focus.  The pinpoint concentration of mind and body to achieve maximum effectiveness
KUMITE………………Sparring: There are two types of KUMITE sparring: 1.       KIHON KUMITE – Basic sparring           a)       KIHON-IPPON KUMITE: one attack, one defense training from a basic stance           b)      SANBON-KUMITE: three continuous attacks and corresponding defenses           c)       JIYU-IPPON KUMITE: one attack, one defense training from a free style stance 2.       JIYU-KUMITE – free sparring
MAKIWARA…………A padded punching board used to develop power and focus in the technique
MAWATTE…………Turn around
SEMPAI………………Senior person in belt ranking
ZANSHIN……………A term used to describe the state of total awareness at the moment of attack and/or defense





GEIDAN                        (geh-dan)                        lower area of the body

CHUDAN                      (chew-dan)                     middle level or chest area

JODAN                          (joe-dan)                        upper level or face area

MIGI                              (mee-ghee)                      right

HIDARI                         (hi-dah-ree)                    left


SEIKEN                         (say-ken)                        forefist

URAKEN                      (oo-ra-ken)                     backfist

KENTSUI/TETSUI        (kent-soo-ee/tet-soo-ee)  hammerfist

IPPON-KEN                  (ee-pohn-ken)                 one-knuckle fist

NAKADAKA-KEN       (nah-ka-dah-ka-ken)       middle finger knuckle fist

HIRAKEN                     (here-a-ken)                    four knuckle fist


SHUTO                         (shoe-toe)                       sword hand

HAITO                          (high-toe)                       ridge hand

HAISHU                        (high-shoe)                     back hand

NUKITE                        (new-kit-teh)                  spear hand

TEISHO                         (tay-sho)                        heel of the palm

WASHIDE                     (wah-she-deh)                eagle hand

KAKUTO                      (ka-koo-toe)                   bent wrist


KOSHI                           (ko-she)                          ball of the foot

SOKUTO                       (sew-koo-toe)                 sword foot, outer edge of

                                                                             the foot

KAGUTO                      (ka-ga-toe)                     heel

HAISOKU                     (high-sew-koo)               instep

HIZA                             (he-za)                            knee


ZENKUTSU-DACHI     front stance

KOKUTSU-DACHI       back stance

KIBA-DACHI                horse stance

HEISOKU-DACHI        informal, feet together

MUSUBI-DACHI          informal, toes out

SHIZEN-TAI                 ready position

TEIJI-DACHI                “T” stance

RENOJI-DACHI            “L” stance

SANCHIN-DACHI        hourglass stance

SHIKO-DACHI             square stance, sumo stance

HANGETSU-DACHI     half moon stance

FUDO-DACHI               rooted stance


NEKO-ASHI-DACHI      cat foot stance


UKE                              (oo-kay)                                   blocking

GEDAN-BARAI            (geh-dan-bar-eye)                     downward block

AGE UKE                      (aah-geh-oo-kay)                      upper block

SOTO-UKE                   (soh-toe-oo-kay)                       outside-in forearm block

UCHI-UKE                    (oo-chee-oo-kay)                      inside-out forearm block

SHUTO-UKE                (shoe-toe-oo-kay)                     sword hand block

SEIRYUTO-UKE          (say-ree-you-toe-oo-kay)           heel of palm block


TSUKI                           (soo-key)                                 punching

GYAKU-ZUKI              (gi-ya-ku-zoo-key)                   reverse punch

OI-ZUKI                        (oy-zoo-key)                            lunge punch

KIZAMI-ZUKI               (key-zah-me-zoo-key)               jab punch

MOROTE-ZUKI            (more-oh-teh-zoo-key)              two hand punch

AGE-ZUKI                    (a-geh-zoo-key)                        rising punch

KAGI-ZUKI                   (kah-gi-zoo-key)                      hook punch

YAMA-ZUKI                (yah-mah-zoo-key)                   wide “U” punch

HEIKO-ZUKI                (hay-koh-zoo-key)                   parallel punch


HIJI-ATE-UCHI            (he-gee-a-teh-ooh-chee)  elbow strike

EMPI-UCHI                   (em-pee-ooh-chee)          elbow strike

MAE-HIJE-ATE            (my-eh-he-gee-a-teh)      forward elbow strike

YOKO-HIJE-ATE          (yo-ko-he-gee-a-teh)       side elbow strike

USHIRO- HIJE-ATE      (oo-she-row-he-gee-ate)  back elbow strike

TATE-HIJE-ATE           (ta-teh-he-gee-a-teh)       upward elbow strike

OTOSHI-HIJI-ATE        (o-toe-she-he-gee-a-teh)  downward elbow strike


GERI                             (ger-ee)                                    kicking

MAE-GERI                    (my-eh-ger-ee)                         front kick

                                      1.    KEAGE (kee-ag-eh)                    snap kick

                                      2.    KEKOMI (keh-ko-me)                thrust kick

YOKO-GERI                 (yo-koh-ger-ee)                        side kick

                                      1.    KEAGE

                                      2.    KEKOMI

MAWASHI-GERI          (ma-wash-ee-ger-ee)                 roundhouse kick

USHIRO-GERI              (ooh-she-row-ger-ee)                back thrust kick

TOBI-GERI                   (toe-bee-ger-ee)                        jump kick

ASHI-BARAI                (a-she-ba-ra-eye)                      foot sweep

Power Sources and Linear Movements Defined

Power source:

  1. Vibration – single technique when standing still.
  2. Rotation – Body torqueing standing or moving using combinations.
  3. Upward – Drive body weight up into target, either defensive or offensive.
  4. Downward – Body drives down into target, either defensive or offensive.
  5. Linear  Movements– Using body weight to move into target to generate power:

Schedule of Kata

a) Niju-shichi-ho or 27 Movements (27 movements)

b) Taikyoku-shodan (“First Cause”, 20 movements)

c) Taikyoku-nidan (“Second Cause”, 20 movements)

d) Taikyoku-sandan (“Third Cause”, 20 movements)

  1. Heian-shodan (“Peace & Tranquility #1”, 21 movements)

  2. Heian-nidan (“Peace & Tranquility #2”, 28 movements)

  3. Heian-sandan  (“Peace & Tranquility #3”, 21 movements)

  4. Heian-yondan (“Peace & Tranquility #4”, 27 movements)

  5. Heian-godan (“Peace & Tranquility #5”, 23 movements)

  6. Bassai-dai(“To Penetrate a Fortress”, long sword, 42 movements)

  7. Kanku-dai (“To Look at the Sky”, major version, also called Kushanku, 65 movements)

  8. Jitte (“10 Hands or 10 Techniques”, 27 movements)

  9. Jion (A Bhuddist temple, 47 movements)

10. Empi (“To Fly Like a Swallow”, 39 movements)

11. Tekki-shodan (“Iron Horse #1”, also called Naihanchi, 25 movements)

12. Tekki-nidan (“Iron Horse #2”, also called Naihanchi, 24 movements)

13. Tekki-sandan (“Iron Horse #3”, also called Naihanchi, 33 movements)

14. Gankaku (“Crane on a Rock”, also called Chinto, 42 movements)

15. Bassai-sho (“To Penetrate a Fortress”, short sword, 27 movements)

16. Kanku-sho (“To Look at the Sky”, minor version, 47 movements)

17. Sochin (“Preserve Peace”, also called Hakko, 40 movements)

18. Chinte (“Extraordinary Hand”, also called Shoin , 33 movements)

19. Hangetsu (“Half Moon”, also called Seishan, 32 movements)

20. Nijushiho (“24 Steps”, also called Niseishi, 33 movements)

21. Ji’in (“Temple Grounds”, also called Shokyo, 35 movements)

22. Unsu (“Cloud Hands”, 48 movements)

23. Gojushiho-dai (“54 Steps”, also known as Useshi or Hotaku, 62 movements)

24. Wankan (“Crown of a King”, also known as Shiofu and Hito, 16 movements)

25. Meikyo (“Mirror of the Soul”, also known as Rohai, 34 movements)

26. Gojushiho-sho (“54 Steps”, a transformation of Gojushiho-dai, 65 movements)

  • NOTE : These are just the names of the Kata and are not necessarily in the order they are to be learned. Refer to the B.C. Tsuruoka Karate Association’s “Mandatory Kata for Grading” sheet.